How to Enable Lazy Loading Images in Blogger Blogs: A Comprehensive Guide

Ehtisham Muhammad

If you're a blogger using the Blogger platform, you may be looking for ways to optimize your blog's performance and improve user experience. One way to do this is by enabling a lazy load of images on your blog. Lazy loading is a technique that defers the loading of non-essential resources, such as images, until they are needed. This can speed up the loading time of your blog and reduce the amount of data that needs to be downloaded by your visitors.

How yo enable lazy load images in blogger blog

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In this blog post, we'll walk you through enabling lazy load images on your Blogger blog. We'll cover the benefits of lazy loading, the different methods for implementing it, and provide step-by-step instructions for enabling lazy load images on your blog.

The Benefits of Lazy Load Images

Before we dive into the technical details, let's take a moment to discuss the benefits of lazy loading images on your blog. By enabling lazy loading, you can improve the performance of your blog in several ways:

1. Faster Loading Times

Lazy loading can reduce your blog's initial load time by deferring the loading of images until they are visible on the screen. This can result in a faster and more responsive visitor user experience.

2. Reduced Data Usage

By only loading images as needed, lazy loading can reduce the amount of data that needs to be downloaded by your visitors. This can be especially beneficial for users on slow or limited internet connections.

3. Improved User Experience

Faster loading times and reduced data usage can lead to an overall improved user experience for your visitors, resulting in higher engagement and lower bounce rates.

Now that we've covered the benefits of lazy loading let's move on to the different methods for implementing it on your Blogger blog.

Methods for Implementing Lazy Load Images

Several methods exist for implementing lazy load images on a Blogger blog. Some methods involve third-party plugins or scripts, while others require manually editing your blog's HTML and CSS. Here are a few standard techniques for implementing lazy load images on Blogger:

1. Using a Third-Party Plugin

Several third-party plugins can help you enable a lazy load of images on your Blogger blog. These plugins typically offer a user-friendly interface and require minimal technical knowledge to set up. However, it's essential to choose a reputable plugin and ensure it is compatible with the Blogger platform.

2. Manually Editing HTML and CSS

If you're comfortable editing your blog's HTML and CSS, you can manually implement lazy load images by adding custom code to your blog's template. This method offers more flexibility and control over the sluggish loading process but requires a deeper understanding of web development.

3. Using JavaScript Libraries

Another option for implementing lazy load images on Blogger is to use JavaScript libraries such as LazyLoad or Intersection Observer. These libraries provide a more advanced and efficient way to load pictures lazily but also require a basic understanding of JavaScript.

Enabling Lazy Load Images on Your Blogger Blog

Now that we've covered the different methods for implementing lazy load images let's walk through the process of enabling lazy load images on your Blogger blog. We'll focus on the manual method of editing your blog's HTML and CSS, as it offers the most flexibility and control over the lazy loading process.

Step 1: Back Up Your Blog's Template

Before making any changes to your blog's template, it's essential to back up your existing template to ensure you can revert to it if anything goes wrong. To do this, go to the "Theme" section of your Blogger dashboard, click on the "Backup/Restore" button, and then click on the "Download Theme" button to save a copy of your template to your computer.

Step 2: Edit Your Blog's Template

Once you've backed up your blog's template, it's time to edit the HTML and CSS to enable a lazy load of images. To do this, go to the "Theme" section of your Blogger dashboard, click on the "Edit HTML" button, and then locate the <head> section of your template.

Step 3: Add Lazy Load Script

Next, you must add a lazy load script to your blog's template. Several lazy load scripts are available, but one popular option is the LazyLoad script by Andrea Verlicchi. To add the LazyLoad script to your blog's template, paste the following code snippet just before the closing </head> tag:

<script src=""></script> (code-box)


Step 4: Update Image Tags

Once you've added the lazy load script to your blog's template, you'll need to update the image tags in your blog posts to enable lazy loading. To do this, locate the <img> tags in your blog posts and add the "lazy" attribute to each tag like this:

<img src="image.jpg" alt="Image" loading="lazy"> (code-box)


Step 5: Save and Preview Your Changes

After updating the image tags in your blog posts, click on the "Save theme" button to save your changes, and then preview your blog to ensure that lazy load images are working as expected. If everything looks good, congratulations – you've successfully enabled lazy load images on your Blogger blog!


In conclusion, enabling lazy load images on your Blogger blog can help improve performance, reduce data usage, and enhance user experience. Whether you use a third-party plugin, edit your blog's HTML and CSS, or use JavaScript libraries, implementing lazy load images is a worthwhile investment that can benefit you and your visitors. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can easily enable the lazy load of images on your Blogger blog and enjoy the benefits of faster loading times and improved user experience.

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